All around this world


who we are

ALL AROUND THIS WORLD is a JOYFULLY MUSICAL CULTURAL INCLUSION PROGRAM that encourages LITTLE kids (0 - 9) to embrace the wealth of world cultures AS THEY EXPERIENCE great global music, rhythms, and movemenT.

*** INTRODUCING THE CULTURAL APPRECIATION PROJECT, ALL AROUND THIS World's 2024 celebration of cultural expression -- GATHERING 1000 SHORT CULTURE-SHARING VIDEOS FROM FINE SOULs LIKE YOUmusic, dance, food, holidays and more! — to raise money to support traditional musicians who are experiencing financial need. ***

Join us!

Give your students the world! Celebrate the wealth of world cultures with our live monthly concerts and global music classes. Join via Zoom, DURING THE SCHOOL DAY IN YOUR TIME ZONE. PRE-REGISTER NOW FOR A VERY SPECIAL SERIES OF AFRICAN MUSIC AND CULTURE CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS.

NEW IN 2024!! How can you support All Around This World while learning LOTS? Become a SUPERFAN! When you JOIN OUR SUPPORTER COMMUNITY you will get exclusive updates and access to fun and fascinating perks for you and your kids. With your “All Access Pass,” explore the world by enjoying hundreds of interactive songs and cultural experiences.

Join Jay for professional development or train online to become an All Around This World-certified teacher! Learn how to share global cultures with little kids through songs and movement. Add skills and marketable tools in your teaching toolkit. Multiple training options to match your goals. Learn here about our options.

Did your kids love one of our culture-bearer teaching videos and want to learn more? Do you want to celebrate a holiday or heritage month? Schedule an astounding online workshop or assembly with our international teachers.

4. Workshops and assemblies with culture-bearers

AATW has partnered with for a “Musical Pen Pal" program that connects clasrooms of kids (of any age) across borders to experience joyful sharing of cultural songs, dances and holidays.

Enjoy All Around This World’s CDs — recordings of our songs with interntional musicians — and “Musical Maps” — beautiful maps featuring illustrations of each region’s most important musical instruments and genres — for your home or classroom. Shop HERE.

  • From schools that have taken All Around This World online classes

    “What a joy all around to have experienced your joy, love, music, and light! We looked forward to it every week, especially towards the end of the year because of the relationship built. You have a gift to connect with and entertain children & adults because of who you are and what you love to do! We are forever grateful and positively changed, especially broadened globally which is such a vital need for all of us to explore our world!”

    — Alissa, Village Montessori, Bluemont, Virginia

    “Jay’s [livecast] classes were always very exciting. Jay was super kind and open towards the children. He always answered all our questions, which made the programme more friendly and the children could feel the closeness and could join in more easily. The songs were really fun, especially the silly ones. 🙂 We loved singing Hungarian songs to Jay at the beginning of the live classes. It was such a nice feeling to see Jay’s reactions to us singing for him. The children learnt a lot of great melodies that we kept on humming and singing in our heads for days after. Thank you so much for having us in this great adventure.” — Bernadett, Eszterlánc Montessori School, Budapest, Hungary

    From parents who have joined their children in All Around This World in-person classes:

    — “For over the past 6 years it has become my priority to find the best classes for my daughter. I search high and low for Philly’s best classes, teachers, and workshops. My standards are extraordinarily high, and I take great pride in knowing that I have made the best selections for my child. . . All Around This World class is by far superior to ANY other class we have taken (musical or otherwise)! … All Around the World is Best of the Best!”

    — “WOW! This is the best thing I have ever done for my son. He loves this class. Not only have we explored new music we sing in many different languages . . . Great bonding time with my son, a must do for your children”

    — “My 2 1/2 year old daughter . . . LOVES [All Around This World]. It’s a great mix of exposing her to new musical styles and rhythms, while also including enough familiarity (in routine of the class, instruments and ‘props’ they play with, etc.) to keep her comfortable and not over-stimulated. She plays, learns, sings, drums, and talks about it all week until the next class. I highly recommend it!”

    — “A Saturday tradition for our daughter. Worth every penny and more!”

    — “We’re starting our third year and we love it as much as the first time!”

    — “Our daughter loves to sing the songs at home all the time and the cd that you get is a big favorite in our house.”

    — “This is our favorite thing to do with our daughter.”

    — “The cd’s from the class are very important to our family- on long car rides they are pretty much the only thing my son will listen to.”

    — “[My daughter] and I are absolutely loving your classes! The songs are great. The games and activities are fun. I appreciate the “adult” conversations about the countries!”

    — “Thank you so much! We have all of your CDs, and they are have been, for the past six months, the only music in our car! Our toddlers love all of the songs, with La Luna being an absolute favorite!”

    — and a comment on the “Ooo bop bop bop” introduction to AATW’s hello song: “Jackie can barely talk – he can say mama, dada, and abpuhl? (apple). . . [T]he moment we got into the car he smiled and said Ooo bop bop and has said it about one hundred million times since. He walked over to the guitar on the stand today, strummed it and said Ooo bopbop. ! So sweet. That is one powerful song!”

    — “Thank you for the amazing time my now 12 year old had in your classes. He was so engaged and enthusiastic about music class. One of his first words was “dar” (guitar). It was truly a gift for our family and I appreciate you offering such a thoughtful opportunity for babies and toddlers.”

    After an All Around This World concert or party:

    — “Jay Sand gave us a wonderful concert in our family center in Berlin Germany in 2019. It was such a joyfull afternoon for families and children in a less privileged neighborhood where we work. Especially the kids, who are living in an accomodation for refugees loved Jay’s powerful songs. All the families and children were so enthusiastic singing, moving, claping hands with Jay. We were singing songs in many different languages….All the families and children were so touched this afternoon. And we were touched too.” — Dorothee Fischer, Projektkoordinatorin FamilienZentrum, Berlin

    — ““Jay came to my school and did programs with my kindergarten – 5th grade students. They loved him! I love how he shared songs from all over the world and taught a little about each song, so my students got to learn and experience music and ideas from many different cultures. Everything was interactive, so my students enjoyed singing, clapping, playing, and dancing. He did different songs and activities for different age groups so that all of my students were engaged.” — Lisa Christman, music teacher, Fort Wayne, Indiana

    — “Jay Sand from All Around This World brought an entertaining, informative, and interactive music program to the Greenwood Public Library this summer. He kept the kids moving throughout the program as he sang and played instruments, and encouraged the kids to do the same. The parents even joined in the fun! The highlight was certainly when they got to play his big drums at the end which were surprisingly loud, much to their delight. The kids got to have a taste of music from a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds, and it fit in so well with this year's summer reading program theme, 'All Together Now!' I highly recommend All Around This World!” — Charis Chelen, Youth Services Librarian, Greenwood, Delaware, Public Library

    — “I loved seeing the kids (including Dylan) so into the music and the drums and scarves! . . . Thanks again. I am so happy we did this.”

    — “H&M were so happy, and it sounds like all of the kids and other parents had an amazing time. To quote one 4-year-old boy about singing with you, “That was the best … party ever!!!”

    From the Philadelphia Museum of Art Education Department, after All Around This World teachers spent an evening teaching at their annual family fund raiser:

    All Around this World was a fabulous addition to our event. Their repertoire is high energy, unique, and varied—the kids were enthralled and their parents were delighted.”

    From Rachel Josloff, teacher at the Philadelphia Montessori Charter School, whose classroom was a test site for All Around This World’s “big kids” curriculum:

    “The children in my class have been so lucky to experience the “All Around This World” music program. Using music as a thread to teach about cultures around the world, this program is a fun and meaningful way for children to learn about history, geography, and cultural tradition. Students sing, dance, play, create, act, take part in customary rituals, and are immersed in the symbolism and tradition of other people around the world. Not only do they get to have these experiences in the classroom, but there are many supplemental materials included with the program, such as CDs, parent communication, and written information to extend this learning beyond the school setting. All Around This World is a brilliant way to help children connect to the world around them, highlighting the beauty of difference among cultures as well as finding the themes that bind us all together.”

    From Karen Werme, Owner/Director, Book Worms Early Learning Center:

    Book Worms has been having music classes with AATW for almost a year now. Our students are 12 months through 4 years and each week they are thoroughly engrossed in the class. I am immensely impressed with the teacher’s ability to keep the children engaged and participating. The students sing the songs from the program daily and even the teachers enjoy the class and find themselves singing the songs throughout the week. I couldn’t ask for a better music program for my early learning center.

    Families commenting on Jay’s “24-Hour Music Marathon”:

    — Jay is well over halfway through his 24 hour live-streaming world music classes for kids (of all ages)! tune in anytime tonight–an invaluable resource for any sleepless babes. go, jay, go!

    — Jay, I think my son is in love with you, after we tuned in 3 times to watch and participate in your amazing 24 hours of music.

    — Trust me, you want [All Around This World’s] fun, welcoming exploration of music from all over the world at your school, daycare, hoedown, whatever. Check it out!

    And one more, from an actual real live All Around This World student after an online class.

BLOG: Tropicalia


This week in all around this world








If you “come to class” online each week, the All Around This World curriculum is a three-year cycle of classes broken into twelve separate three-month sections, most of which focus on a geographic region of the world…or, subscribe with an “all-access” pass and enjoy any of the hundreds of songs and cultural experiences that originate from over a hundred countries at any time.

Click on the map to meet any region of the world.